2nd Career


Get motivated

Get motivated

It’s the new year and I wonder how one can get motivated and get going again?

Well, only you can forge ahead for yourself, especially for the future that you want to have or build.

This is something that I composed and I hope it will motivate you to get up and go!

…’Tola’ speak to yourself:

It will be well with me

Things will get better

I can make it happen

Don’t give up

Even when I fall, I’ll keep getting up

I matter

I can achieve greatness

There is no time like the present

Get up and take that step towards your goal

I will look back and be happy I took that step

I can be what I want to be

Don’t give up on your goals and dreams

No pain no gain

No test no testimony

Chase your dreams come on

I will be glad I did not give up

I can make it happen.


Keep speaking positively to yourself